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Select Publications on Ruthenates

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  1. Suk Bum Chung, Srinivas Raghu, Aharon Kapitulnik, Steven A. Kivelson, "Charge and spin collective modes in a quasi-1D model of Sr2RuO4," Phys. Rev. B 86 (2012), 064525.

  2. S. Raghu, A. Kapitulnik, S. A. Kivelson, “Hidden quasi one-dimensional superconductivity in Sr2RuO4,” Phys. Rev. Lett. 105 (2010), 136401.

  3. Jing Xia, W. Siemons, G. Koster, M.R. Beasley, and A. Kapitulnik, “Critical thickness for itinerant ferromagnetism in ultrathin films of SrRuO3,” Phys. Rev. B 79(2009), 140407.

  4. Jing Xia, Maeno Yoshiteru, Peter T. Beyersdorf, M. M. Fejer, Aharon Kapitulnik, "High Resolution Polar Kerr Effect Measurements of Sr2RuO4: Evidence for Broken Time Reversal Symmetry in the Superconducting State," Phys. Rev. Lett. 97 (2006),167002.

  5. L. Klein, Y. Kats, N. Wiser, M. Konczykowski, J.W. Reiner, T.H. Geballe, M.R. Beasley, and A. Kapitulnik, “Negative Deviations from Matthiessen’s Rule for SrRuO3 and CaRuO3,” Europhysics Letters 55 (2001), 532-538.

  6. L. Klein, Y. Katz, A.F. Marshall, J.W. Reiner, T.H. Geballe, M.R. Beasley, and A. Kapitulnik, “Domain-wall resistivity in SrRuO3: The influence of domain walls spacing,” Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 226-230 (2001), 780-1.

  7. Y. Kats, L. Klein, J.W. Reiner, T.H. Geballe, M.R. Beasley, and A. Kapitulnik, “Magnetic resistivity in SrRuO3 and the ferromagnetic phase transition,” Phys. Rev. B. 63 (2001), 054435.

  8. L. Klein, Y. Katz, A.F. Marshall, J.W. Reiner, T.H. Geballe, M.R. Beasley, and A. Kapitulnik, “ Domain wall resistivity in SrRuO3,” Phys. Rev. Lett. 84 (2000), 6090.

  9. L. Klein, J.W. Reiner, T.H. Geballe, M.R. Beasley, and A. Kapitulnik, “ Extraordinary Hall effect in SrRuO3,” Physica B 281 (2000), 608.

  10. L. Klein, J.S. Dodge, T.H. Geballe, M.R. Beasley, and A. Kapitulnik, “ Resistive anomalies at ferromagnetic transitions revisited: The case of SrRuO3 - Klein et al.  reply,” Phys. Rev. Lett. 84 (2000), 2280.

  11. A.F. Marshall, L. Klein, J.S. Dodge, C.H. Ahn, J.W. Reiner, L. Mieville, L. Antognazza,  A. Kapitulnik, T.H. Geballe, and M.R. Beasley, “ Lorentz transmission electron microscope study of ferromagnetic domain walls in SrRuO3:  Statics, dynamics, and crystal structure correlation,” J. Appl. Phys. 85 (1999), 4131.

  12. L. Klein, L. Antognazza, T.H. Geballe, M. R. Beasley, and A. Kapitulnik, “Possible non-Fermi liquid behavior of CaRuO3,” Phys. Rev. B 60 (July 1999), 1448.

  13. J.S. Dodge, E. Kulatov, L. Klein, C.H. Ahn, J.W. Reiner, L. Mieville, T.H. Geballe, M.R. Beasley, A. Kapitulnik, H. Ohta, Yu. Uspenskii, and S. Halilov, “Temperature-dependent local exchange splitting in SrRuO3,” Phys. Rev. B 60 (1998), R6987.

  14. A.P. Mackenzie, J.W. Reiner, A.W. Tyler, L.M. Galvin, S.R. Julian, M.R. Beasley, T.H. Geballe, and A. Kapitulnik, “ Observation of quantum oscillations in the electrical resistivity of SrRuO3,” Phys. Rev. B 58 (1998), R13318.

  15. P. Kostic, Y. Okada, Z. Schlesinger, J.W. Reiner, L. Klein, A. Kapitulnik, M.R. Beasley, and T.H. Geballe, “ Non-fermi-liquid behavior of SrRuO3: Evidence from infrared conductivity,” Phys. Rev. Lett. 81 (1998), 2498.

  16. L. Klein, A.F. Marshall, J.W. Reiner, T.H. Geballe, M.R. Beasley, and A. Kapitulnik, “Large Magnetoresistance of Single-Crystal Films of Ferromagnetic SrRuO3,” J. Magn. Mag. Mat. 188 (1998), 319.

  17. L. Klein, J.S. Dodge, C.H. Ahn, J.W. Reiner, L. Mieville, T.H. Geballe, M.R. Beasley, and A. Kapitulnik, “Transport and Magnetization in the Badly Metallic Itinerant Ferromagnetic SrRuO3,” J. Phys. Cond. Matt. 8 (1996), 10111-10126.

  18. L. Klein, J.S. Dodge, C.H. Ahn, G.J. Snyder, T.H. Geballe, M.R. Beasley, and A. Kapitulnik, “Anomalous Spin Scattering Effects in the Badly Metallic Itinerant Ferromagnet SrRuO3,” Phys. Rev. Lett. 77 (1996), 2774-2777.

  19. L. Klein, J.S. Dodge, T.H. Geballe, A. Kapitulnik, A.F. Marshall, L. Antognazza and K. Char, “Perpendicular magnetic anisotropy and strong magneto-optic properties of SrRuO3 epitaxial films,” Appl. Phys. Lett. 66 (1995), 2427-2429.

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