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STM Studies of Complex Materials

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  1. J. A. Galvis, A. Fang, D. Jimenez-Guerrero, J. Rojas-Castillo, J. Casas, O. Herrera, A. C. Garcia-Castro, E. Bousquet, I. R. Fisher, A. Kapitulnik, P. Giraldo-Gallo, "Direct observation of discommensurate charge density wave modulation in the quasi-1D Weyl semimetal candidate NbTe4," arXiv:2203.00079 (submitted).

  2. Alan Fang, Anisha G. Singh, Joshua A. W. Straquadine, Ian R. Fisher, Steven A. Kivelson, and Aharon Kapitulnik, “Robust superconductivity intertwined with charge density wave and disorder in Pd-intercalated ErTe3,” Phys. Rev. Research 2, 043221 (2020). 

  3. Alan Fang, Joshua A. W. Straquadine, Ian R. Fisher, Steven A. Kivelson, Aharon Kapitulnik, "Disorder Induced Suppression of CDW Long Range Order: STM Study of Pd-intercalated ErTe3," Phys. Rev. B 100, 235446 (2019).

  4. Alan Fang, Joshua A. W. Straquadine, Ian R. Fisher, Steven A. Kivelson, Aharon Kapitulnik, "Disorder Induced Suppression of CDW Long Range Order: STM Study of Pd-intercalated ErTe3," Phys. Rev. B 100, 235446 (2019).

  5. Alan Fang, Carolina Adamo, Shuang Jia, Robert J. Cava, Shu-Chun Wu, Claudia Felser, Aharon Kapitulnik, “Bursting at the Seams: Rippled Monolayer Bismuth on NbSe2,” Science Advances 4 (4), eaaq0330 (2018).

  6. Inferring effective interactions from the local density of states:  Application to STM data from Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+d, R. Jamei, J. Robertson, E-A. Kim, A. Fang, A. Kapitulnik, S. A. Kivelson, Phys. Rev. B 74, 174521 (2006), cond-mat/0608318.

  7. Distinguishing Patterns of Charge Order: Stripes or Checkerboards, John A. Robertson, Steven A. Kivelson, Eduardo Fradkin, Alan C. Fang, and Aharon Kapitulnik, Phys. Rev. B 74, 134507 (2006), cond-mat/0602675.

  8. Gap-inhomogeneity-induced electronic states in superconducting Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+d, A.C. Fang, L. Capriotti, D.J. Scalapino, S.A. Kivelson, N. kaneko, M. Greven, and A. Kapitulnik, Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, 017007/1-4 (2006), cond-mat/0508253

  9. STM studies of near optimal doped Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+d, A. Kapitulnik, A. Fang, C. Howald, and M. Greven, J. Phys. Chem. Solids 67, 344 (2006), cond-mat/0407743.

  10. Periodic Coherence Peak Modulations in Superconducting BSCCO, A. Fang, C. Howald, N. Kaneko, M. Greven, and A. Kapitulnik, Phys. Rev. B 70, 214514 (2004), cond-mat/0404452.

  11. How to detect fluctuating order in the high-temperature superconductors, S. A. Kivelson, I.P. Bindloss, E. Fradkin, V. Oganesyan, J. M. Tranquada, A. Kapitulnik, and C. Howald, Rev. Mod. Phys 75, 1201 (2003), cond-mat/0210683.

  12. Periodic Density of States Modulations in Superconducting Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+d, C. Howald, H. Eisaki, N. Kaneko, M. Greven, and A. Kapitulnik, Phys. Rev B 67, 014533 (2003), cond-mat/0208442.

  13. Coexistence of periodic modulation of quasiparticle states and superconductivity in Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+d, C. Howald, H. Eisaki, N. Kaneko, and A. Kapitulnik, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America100, 9705-9709 (2003), cond-mat/0201546.

  14. Inherent Inhomogeneities in Tunneling Spectra of BSCCO Crystals in the Superconducting State, C. Howald, P. Fournier, and A. Kapitulnik, Phys. Rev. B 64, 100504 (2001), cond-mat/0101251.

  15. Impurity-induced bound excitations on the surface of Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8, Ali Yazdani, C.M. Howald, C.P. Lutz, A. Kapitulnik, and D.M. Eigler, Phys. Rev. Lett. 83, 176 (1999), cond-mat/9906001.

  16. Electron Tunneling Studies of the High-Tc superconductor La-Sr-Cu-O, M. Naito, D.P.E. Smith, M.D. Kirk, B. Oh, M.R. Hahn, K. Char, D.B. Mitzi, J.Z. Sun, D.J. Webb, M.R.Beasley, O, Fischer, T.H. Geballe, R.H. Hammond, A. Kapitulnik and C.F. Quate, Phys. Rev B 35, 7228 (1987).

  17. Point-Contact Tunneling into the High-Tc Superconductor Y-Ba-Cu-O, M.D. Kirk, D.P.E. Smith, D.B. Mitzi, J.Z. Sun, D.J. Webb, K. Char, M.R. Hahn, M. Naito, B. Oh, M.R. Beasley, T.H. Geballe, R.H. Hammond, A. Kapitulnik and C.F. Quate, Phys. Rev  B 36, 8850 (1987).

  18. Scanning Tunneling Microscopy of the A-B planes of Bi2(CaSr)3Cu2O8+d Single Crystal and Thin Films, M.D. Kirk, C.B. Eom, B. Oh, S. Spielman, M.R. Beasley, A. Kapitulnik, T.H. Geballe, and C.F. Quate.,Appl. Phys. Lett. 52 (1988), 2071.

  19. Electron Tunneling and the Energy Gap in Bi2Sr2CaCu2Ox, M. Lee, D.B. Mitzi, A. Kapitulnik, and M.R. Beasley, Phys. Rev. B 39, 801 (1988).

  20. Systematic Effects in Thin Film Tunnel Junctions  of YBa2Cu3O7-d , M. Lee, M. Naito, A. Kapitulnik, and M.R. Beasley,  Solid State Comm. 70, 449 (1988).

  21. The Origin of the Superstructure in Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+d as Revealed by Scanning Tunneling Microscopy, M.D. Kirk, J. Nogami, A.A. Baski, D.B. Mitzi, A. Kapitulnik, T.H. Geballe and C.F. Quate, Science 242, 1673 (1988).

  22. Tunneling and the Energy Gap in the High-Temperature Superconductors, M. Lee, A. Kapitulnik and M.R. Beasley, Springer Series in Mat. Sci. Vol. 11, Mechanisms of High Temperature Superconductivity, H. Kamimura and A. Oshiyama eds.(Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 1989), p.220.

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